Local Phone: (609) 361-8000 Toll Free: (800) 524-5797

About Us- Long Beach Island Real Estate

lbi-mapAbout us- Long Beach Island Real Estate

Long Beach Island Real Estate’s location in Beach Haven Crest has been operating as a real estate office for approximately 50 years through the merger of various real estate companies, making us one of the largest rental agencies on the Island.

We are a full service real estate company, specializing in LBI Real Estate Sales & LBI SUMMER RENTALS, as well as Mainland Sales & Summer Rentals, Flood Insurance and Notary Services. Our agents, are experienced, professional, friendly and ready to assist you in any of your real estate needs.

Our Beach Haven Crest office is centrally located on the south end of the Island, perfect for families who are looking for LBI home sales and LBI vacation rentals near all the activities, including Fantasy Island, local Surflight Theatre, Bay Village, Miniature Golf, and more.

Contact us today and let us make your LBI dream come true.

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LBI Real Estate office, Beach Haven Crest, NJ